Gold Star Referral Clubs is a business networking and referral marketing organization. Members meet in order to give and receive referrals for more business.

Referral Calculator

How many Gold Star Referrals do you need to get a month to make your goals? The average Gold Star Referral Club should generate 93 referrals per month or roughly 1116 referrals per year. How many referrals are you currently getting? How many are you closing? Do you track your referrals?

If you know where your business is coming from, you will know where to spend your energy, time and money. What are your numbers?

Start tracking your Gold Star Club referrals.  Use the referral calculator to set your goals.
Amount of income I want to make this year through referrals $
Average dollar amount of one closed referral $
What is your closing percentage? (50%, 80%, 85%)   %
Number of referrals that you need in a year's time to meet your goals: